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Standing up for Reproductive Rights

Emboldened by a Supreme Court stacked with Trump appointments, Republicans are working to dismantle reproductive rights and overturn the constitutional right to access an abortion.

That's why I joined nearly 900 state legislators from across the nation on an amicus brief demanding that the U.S. Supreme Court protect reproductive freedom and uphold 50 years of legal abortion in all 50 states.

We are already seeing what a world without the protections of Roe v. Wade looks like — the prospect of vigilante harassment and the fear of ridiculous lawsuits is forcing folks to travel to other states to take care of their health. That’s not right and is especially damaging to low-income individuals that cannot afford to travel.

This is a crucial moment to get engaged and there are several things you can do to help hold the line for reproductive rights:

  1. Support Planned Parenthood Texas Abortion Funds and let your networks know that you're against unconstitutional anti-abortion legislation.

  2. Gather in support (observing all local public health precautions) - on Saturday, October 2, the nationwide Rally for Abortion Justice will bring together 100+ organizations across the country to protect abortion access and push back against unconstitutional and unconscionable laws. Find an event near you!

  3. Because the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block Texas’s unconstitutional and harmful law and will soon be considering Mississippi’s law, Congress should guarantee reproductive freedom across the country by securing abortion rights in law. Please let your federal elected officials know that you support the Women's Health Protection Act.

Here in Oregon, I will do all that I can to stand with the courageous voices fighting for reproductive freedom and bodily liberty.

Onward to justice,


Posted on September 24, 2021.